Every 2 to 4 weeks, we release a minor update for iQualify. These updates mainly fix bugs. In addition, they may contain minor functional changes. These are improvements that make using iQualify even easier and can be used without explanation. Larger functional changes are only made available in a major update.

For iQualify training courses, stand-alone updates are performed. These can coincide with a minor or major release for iQualify, or they can be stand-alone updates. Minor release 5.3.8 is released at the same time as a major release 2.0.0 for iQualify training courses. Curious about what has changed? We've summarised it for you on this page.

Renewed editor

The editor for iQualify training courses has been completely revamped and changed quite a bit. Editing a training course has become clearer thanks to the 'film roll' on the left side of the screen. This shows all blocks of the training in the order in which they are shown to the user. If you select a block on the left, you will see the content of the block on the right and you can also edit the content directly.

Move blocks by dragging

You can easily change the structure of a training course by dragging and dropping blocks. Even within a 'drop-down panel' or a 'more information' block, you can change the order of blocks by dragging them. To remove a block from the film reel, drag it to the left into the bin.

Undo changes easily

Changes made during an editing session can be undone. With the undo button you can reverse incremental changes. With the redo button you can redo steps after undoing them if you haven't made a manual change in the meantime. Changes are also saved automatically!

Sample view

While editing a training, you want to be able to judge whether the training looks as you expect. Especially when using interactive elements, it is nice to really experience their use. This can now be done without ending the editing session. To do so, click on 'Preview'. You can then immediately experience how the block behaves while you are still editing it. Preview mode automatically displays the block you are currently editing.

In the preview view, you can see the training as it is displayed on a desktop or as it looks on a mobile. This allows you to optimise training sessions that are more often consulted on a mobile device for the intended target audience.

Dynamic content using selector buttons

With the choice button, we introduce completely new functionality alongside the new editor. With a choose button, you can let users make a choice in a training by clicking a button. Based on the choice made, certain content is shown or not shown in the training.

This is a powerful tool for managing information for different situations in one training. Instead, it helps the user by showing them only the information they need at that moment for the current situation.

For example, you can create a FAFS plan for multiple locations in one training. You ensure that each reader always sees the general parts and only the special details for the location where the reader works.

Or, for example, a medical protocol for both men and women and for children, adults and the elderly. The user specifies the situation for which the training is consulted and is only shown relevant information.

For each block in a training you can specify in which situation it should be shown. This also applies to choice buttons themselves. This allows you to offer stepped choices like in a decision tree. Furthermore, it is also possible to show blocks only for certain combinations of choices made in different places in a training. In short, this gives many possibilities to help users see only relevant information for their current situation.