About four times a year, we release a major update for iProva. In these updates, we introduce new features and ensure that existing functionalities work even easier and better. These updates also ensure that iProva stays technically 'up to date'.

Curious about what's new in iProva 5.12? You can read it on this page....

Reporting, analysing and improving

In this update, we introduce several new and improved functionalities, made possible thanks to intelligent keyword extraction.
To benefit from these improvements, keyword extraction must first be enabled by an application administrator. As this innovative functionality uses a cloud service, it is important to consider the impact this will have on your organisation.
More information on enabling keyword extraction 

Improved search function

If keyword extraction is enabled, users are helped to search for notifications. We already knew there the option to search by notification number or by keyword. Now, when you start typing in a keyword, search suggestions are immediately offered. The search suggestions are based on keywords that actually appear in reports. By using the search suggestions, you can find the notifications you are looking for faster.

The search function itself is even more powerful when keyword extraction is enabled. You will then also find messages if the message itself contains a conjugation of the word you are searching for, or if the message contains a misspelled version of the word you are searching for.
Eg: searching on "administer" now also returns hits where only "administer" appears.

Management information: Notable keywords

If your organisation has large numbers of reports per month, it can be difficult to spot new or otherwise striking trends. The charts and reports already available do give you an impression (e.g.: the number of security incidents has been increasing for 3 months in a row), but remain rather superficial. This is because these analyses do not allow you to dive into the text of reports.

Using intelligent keyword extraction, we do now make that possible, via a new tile on the Management information screen.
This shows the most notable keywords of the past month, with the option of drill-down to the underlying reports.

What makes a keyword appear on the tile?

  • the keyword never or hardly ever appeared before, but suddenly appears a number of times in the recent period
  • the keyword occurs continuously in notifications, but in the recent period suddenly much more often than usual

Management information: Most common keywords

In addition to the 'notable keywords' tile, we are also introducing a new tile that highlights the most common shows keywords (within a reports in a given scope), in the form of a word cloud.

This tile helps you get a quick impression of what's trending. You can click through on keywords to refine further: you will then discover which keywords are common in combination with the word you just clicked.

Another application of this tile is to explore information captured in text fields.
Many organisations use list fields with the option "Other, namely...". By creating a filter that specifically identifies the reports where "Other, namely" is chosen, and visualising those results in the word cloud, you can find out what the most common topics are that employees type in here. This information can help you optimise the list values in your form, for example.

Want to know more about keyword extraction and other innovations from Infoland in artificial intelligence and natural language processing? Then also follow our blog series on the Infoland Community.

Additional options when plotting action items in a status transition

In a status transition, from this release it will also be possible to deploy an action point to the reporter. In addition, we offer the possibility to deploy an action point to the reporter's manager.

Risk management

We have created a dashboard so you can see at a glance how your risks are doing. In it, we show the following information:

  • Risk Heatmap: where in the risk matrix are your risks located?
  • For all management measures:
    • An overview of the implementation status of all management measures
  • For advanced management measures:
    • An overview of the effectiveness of your control measures.
    • An overview of all issues found for your management measures.
    • An overview of all tasks that have been deployed recently regarding management measures.

Each diagram has the ability to zoom in; this allows you to zoom in on more details when warranted.

In addition, you can see the dashboard in your risk details specifically for one risk.

Also new is the possibility to refer from a risk to laws and regulations or (work) instructions. You can do this by creating a metafield of type 'reference'. You can of course specify per risk template whether you want to use the reference field.

Would you like to know more about our vision of integrated risk management, and are you curious to know what further developments we will make to that end in the software? Then read on here.

And further in iProva 5.12...

When choosing SaaS, security and privacy are very important issues. Rightly so, because you should always be able to trust that your organisation's data - and personal data in particular - are safe. We understand that. So we like to be transparent about how we handle your organisation's data, and where that data is located.

Therefore, in iProva 5.12 we introduce the Data & privacy-screen. Application administrators see here where data is stored, and (for specific functionalities) can set here whether cloud services may be used to process data. The screen can be found under Application management > System information > Data & Privacy.

If your organisation currently uses iProva on-premises, you may be using iProva cloud services, such as Webshare.
This makes the information in the Data & Privacy screen relevant to your organisation as well.

In the iProva portal we have the screens for setting the Management information screen addressed.
You can now easily change the order of tiles (see red highlighted element in the image).

Also, we have removed the ability to switch a tile to a different diagram type afterwards. We have more and more types of tiles, each with their own settings. Switching to a different diagram type was only possible in a few cases; much more often it was not possible at all, which could cause confusion. By removing it, the screen for creating and changing a tile has become clearer.

Does your organisation use Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Or are there plans to do so?
Then it is good to know that as of iProva 5.12, user provisioning (via the SCIM protocol) from Azure AD to iProva is also possible. An i+Sync is then no longer required. Want to know more about user provisioning? Read more on the Infoland Community here.

For application managers & ICT

Additional information for application managers & ICT can be found on our Support website.
You will find here:

  • indication of the impact of this update (per iProva module)
  • changes in system requirements
  • overview of bug fixes
  • checklist for application managers
  • download the update (for iProva on-premise)