• What's new in Zenya 6.0?

About four times a year, we release a major update for Zenya. In these updates, we introduce new features and make existing functionalities work even easier and better. These updates also ensure that Zenya is technically up-to-date.

Curious about what's new in Zenya 6.0? You can read about it on this page.

iProva becomes Zenya!

Everyday dynamics are increasing. Organisations need to be able to adapt easily and continuously improve and innovate. That is why it is more important than ever to work with software. An intuitive and user-friendly platform with a well-stocked toolbox, so that every professional can perform happily and optimally. Anytime, anywhere. Because the professional ultimately determines the success of an entire organisation.

With a new look and feel as well as new and improved functionalities, Zenya is that platform: software that really shows what we have to offer.

Our vision

We believe that smart technology lets professionals, and therefore organisations, excel. We do this by making it incredibly easy for professionals, with the help of our software, to do their work optimally and with pleasure. Every day.
Zenya is simply the best quality and risk management software and the only one that embraces continuous change.

Meet Zenya

The name Zenya was not chosen at random. Meet the personification of help. The personal assistant who makes your day a little easier and more pleasant. Zenya stands for personal and welcoming. A friend who is always there for you.

Infoland - Zenya - Logo hor A

New look & feel and new functionalities

Zenya is the place where critical information and actions come together: for you as a professional and for your team. With improved action & task management, you are always in control and decide how to organise things within the team. The new interface makes it faster and easier than ever before.

The user interface has been completely overhauled. With the aim of making the software as intuitive and thus user-friendly as possible. The result is an interface we are very proud of.

And it is not only more intuitive and user-friendly, but we have also continued on the track we have already set for questionnaires ánd reading confirmation tasks: from this release onwards, you can also use your portal optimally on your mobile devices. You can also consult documents easily and user-friendly on mobile devices. With that Zenya always and everywhere your assistant.

To help users quickly get started in the revamped environment, we display a short help text in the software at three points. This happens at:

  • first visit to a portal
  • creating a team for the first time
  • first visit to the 'my tasks' screen


On the face of it, much seems to have changed about the portal, but appearances are deceptive. The concepts of the portal have remained unchanged.

However, some minor adjustments have been made:

  • The portal button you used to know as 'Management information' is called 'Dashboard' in Zenya.
  • The information panel can no longer contain an image.
  • The panel with favourites and recently viewed documents by you has been cut into two separate panels.
  • In terms of management rights, 'news' has become a bit more accessible; for example, if you have rights to manage news items, you can now edit news items that were not posted by you. For example, you can now correct an annoying typo in an article posted by a fellow news reporter.


You can still easily mark a document as a favourite at the time you are reading a document. In addition, it remains possible to add favourites directly from the favourites panel on the portal. The number of actions required to create a favourite of a document or a website via this way has been reduced.

Search and consult

Again, the screens look slightly different, but the essence has remained the same.

However, the following have been adjusted:

  • An information balloon no longer appears when you hover over a result. From now on, you have to click on the 'i' icon behind the search result. This was done because mobile devices do not know how to hover.
  • There are no more pages. When you scroll, the results are automatically reloaded.
  • We are confident in our search engine and therefore are more likely to ask 'if you can find it' in the list of results. There is also at that spot an opportunity to easy switch from searching in the current portal to searching in all portals.


When filling in, you will see a slightly bigger change. The tile view has been replaced by a list. This makes the screen easier to operate on a smaller screen. New is that you can search in the list, so that - when there are many questionnaires/report forms available - you can quickly find what you need.

The icons displayed on forms and questionnaires have been modernised but at the same time are still recognisable.


On the dashboard (formerly management information), a few small things have changed:

  • Reports are no longer shown below the diagrams, but in a list on a separate page.
  • Diagrams can now be categorised.
    You can do this by entering a category text in the created diagrams. These categories cannot currently be managed centrally. When you type a text, however, you will be helped with suggestions of category names used at other portals and diagrams.


Viewing documents from the portal has also been modernised. We provide more space for the document and ensure that the main functionalities can be found quickly. Of course, the document is also easy to read on your mobile.

What has changed:

  • The description of changes compared to the previous version is no longer shown in a bar at the top of the document, but in a text block floating above the text of the document. This makes it almost impossible to miss it when you start reading the document.
  • For HTML documents with a fixed document structure, and for 'free web document' type documents, the table of contents is no longer displayed in a panel on the left-hand side of the document. From now on, the table of contents can be called up by clicking on the button floating at the bottom right of the screen, just as it was already the case for interactive documents.
  • For processes and result area matrices does not change the display in Zenya 6.0.
  • Even in the document management environment, you will still find the old document view (preview view).
    The display of document content is identical in both views; the difference is mainly in the elements around it (index panel, button bar, etc.). In subsequent Zenya updates, the document view in the management environment will be further aligned with the new view in the portal.

Tasks & Messages

In addition to the improved look and feel, with Zenya 6.0. we make a big deal of task and action management. We believe Zenya provides a central place for professionals, teams and organisations To critical tasks and (improvement) actions turn off, secure, and to follow. To better support you in this, we make it easier for you to prioritise, organise and complete tasks and actions from now on.

The improved display makes it quicker to see what is important and what is expected of you. The task title is optimised and makes it immediately clear what needs to be done. We are pulling apart the display of tasks and messages and ensuring that you are more targeted in being informed by Zenya about new or changed tasks. Previously, you would first get a task (e.g. "action has been assigned to you") and then separate messages ("deadline is approaching") about that same task. From now on, we present those status updates with the task they relate to, and no longer as separate messages.

Furthermore, a number of options have been added:

  • It is possible to filter tasks, e.g. by task type. This way, you can easily say: 'I'm going to take care of all my assessment tasks now'.
  • You can also mark tasks as important, for the ones you really think you should not forget.
  • It is still possible to postpone tasks. For example, if you feel the need to temporarily clean up your to-do list by postponing tasks that you are not going to do this week, for example. You can easily find deferred tasks under the deferred tasks filter.
  • It is now possible to sort tasks by importance. This allows you to take into account deadlines and tasks marked as important.

The titles (short description) of tasks have been adjusted to make it clearer with fewer words what action is expected of you. For the full task description, we have shortened the standard texts where possible, with the aim of making the task screen as clear as possible.


A common wish from customers is the ability to assign tasks to a team in Zenya. Another wish is for teams to be able to record and track important tasks themselves. Within Zenya 6.0, this becomes possible. Anyone in the organisation can create a team and invite members.

Teams can be used to assign tasks in Zenya. A team can also create its own team tasks and delegate between them. And this is just the beginning! More features in Zenya to support teams in their collaboration will follow at a later date.

  • With teams, we create the opportunity for users to organise themselves.
  • It is possible to assign tasks to a team.
    This is now possible in the following cases:

    • At job schedules you can now set up teams as action takers.
    • At documents you can invite teams as writers for a draft version of a document.
    • You can set up teams as fillers for a questionnaire survey.
    • If you join a report manually to create an action item, you can now also assign that action to a team - provided the "Action taker" role is assigned to that team. This only applies to the 'normal' action item, not yet to action items that require a form to be filled in or a cause analysis to be performed.
    • If you go from the workflow You can now also choose to assign an action item to a team when creating a notification type. Only applies to the 'normal' action item, not yet to action items that require a form to be filled in or a cause analysis to be performed.
  • Teams can also create team tasks themselves, assign them to other team members and, of course, handle them.

Selecting a team (e.g. as an action taker) is similar to selecting users and user groups. In places where you can set up a team, you will encounter a revamped dialogue box. The new design is much more pleasant to operate on smaller screens, and thus also lets you select teams.

NB: In Zenya's administration environment, in many places where you cannot (yet) set up teams, you will still see the old dialogue box for choosing users and user groups. Initially, the new dialogue box will have fewer filter and display options than the old one. 

FAQ - Frequently asked questions & answers

We already received many enthusiastic responses to our presentations of Zenya, but also many questions. We have collected the answers to the most frequently asked questions for you.

For application managers & ICT

Instructions for end users

We have prepared an introduction document that can be used internally to prepare end-users for Zenya's arrival from now on.

A PowerPoint version is also available for you to customise and deploy in your organisation.
You can find it on the Infoland Community.

System requirements

The system requirements for Zenya 6.0 are unchanged from those of iProva 5.15.

Check out the current system requirements here:

Zenya SaaS 
Zenya on-premise

Additional information

Additional information for application managers & ICT can be found at my.infoland.co.uk.
After logging in, select My products > Zenya > Download updates, or click on the orange button below to go directly to the appropriate page.

You can find additional release notes containing:

  • indication of the impact of this update (by Zenya component)
  • further explanation of functional changes
  • important information on links between Zenya and other systems
  • overview of bug fixes

And further:

  • pre-update and post-update checklist for application managers
  • download the update (for Zenya on-premise)