We regularly release a minor update for iQualify. These updates mainly fix bugs. In addition, they may contain minor functional changes. These are improvements that make using iQualify even easier and can be used without explanation. Larger functional changes are only made available in a major update. In this release, 2 functional changes have been included and some bugs have been fixed. Curious about what has changed in minor release 5.6.6? We've summarised it for you on this page. Check status.infoland.nl when version 5.6.6 will be released.

LTI 1.3

For shared tests and training, we use the LTI standard. This is a widely used standard to exchange learning materials between learning systems. This makes it possible to use tests managed in iQualify within another LMS. This requires that both systems support the same LTI standard. iQualify has now been extended so that other systems can also consume shared tests and training based on LTI 1.3. A number of fundamental changes have been made in this version with regard to communication between the two systems.

To use this version, you need to contact the service desk. It is not possible to use both the current method and the LTI 1.3 method at the same time. Assistance from Infoland is also required to test the consuming LMS based on LTI 1.3 in combination with iQualify.

Functionally, the updated method works more or less the same. When a key is shared, instead of an LTI link, a Resource Link ID is now displayed. The general LTI settings can be found in the 'Link Information' screen shown in the 'Shared Materials' screen.

Batch select users

In user management, you can now batch select users. This can be useful if you keep records outside iQualify. By clicking select you can then paste a list of user names into the dialogue. Clicking OK selects all users known in iQualify. You can then delete or e-mail the selected users.

Bug fixes:

  • 63362: Adding a key to a learning period gave an error message. This happened if an organisation had a subscription to keys from another organisation when that organisation has since ceased to exist.
  • 63355: Generating the "Question report on a learning period" report could take a long time which sometimes resulted in an error message.


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