• What's new in Zenya 6.2.0?

About four times a year, we release a major update for Zenya. In these updates, we introduce new features and make existing functionalities work even easier and better. These updates also ensure that Zenya is technically up-to-date.

Curious about what's new in Zenya 6.2.0? You can read it on this page.

The rollout of Zenya 6.2.0 will start on 15 December 2021.
See status.infoland.nl for the exact date/time for the rollout to Zenya SaaS.
For organisations with Zenya on-premises, the release has been available as a download since 22 December 2021. You can download it at my.infoland.co.uk.

Cloud services / Webshare

Rebranding cloud services Zenya

In the Zenya 6.0.0 release, we introduced the updated branding. Within Zenya, a number of cloud services, probably better known as:

  • The webshare for sharing documents
  • Ability to allow an external to make a report by sharing mobile report form
  • The possibility of having external parties fill in a questionnaire (by invitation or via a general link).

These cloud services had not yet been updated to the Zenya branding. We have now also updated this and can be recognised by the black top bar and, as the default logo, the Zenya logo.

However, these cloud services are a way for our customers to share information with their customers/partners. In this, customer recognisability is important. It was already possible to provide these cloud services with their own logo. In this release, we make it possible to add more personalisation of the cloud services, namely:

  • The colour of the top bar can be set to your own colour, matching the house style, for example. The default colour is black.
  • The colour of the text (in the top bar) is customisable.

In addition, the new icons (your read more about it further down in these release notes) set for report forms and questionnaires also displayed in these webshares. As a result, they fit together better with the updated look and feel.

Note: The cloud services update will occur simultaneously with the rollout of Zenya 6.2.0 to the default ring. Customers on the slow ring will therefore receive the cloud services update four weeks before the update of Zenya 6.2.0.

During the update to Zenya 6.2.0, for cloud services, the colour of the top bar will be changed to one colour corresponding to a colour from the current colour of the top bar. The logo set will be retained. Once Zenya 6.2.0 is available, this can be personalised with the above options.


As a document manager, you can now make notes for the document manager(s) to the document

In document management, document managers can add comments for writers and/or reviewers to the (published or draft) version of the document. Increasingly, we hear from document managers that they need an option to add notes to the document; notes that are only available to document managers and in which important details or agreements regarding the document can be recorded. These should be kept separate from the notes for writers and/or reviewers so that there is oversight. These can be notes such as:

  • Notes on points not to be forgotten (need not be adapted immediately, but should be included in the next check)
  • Change in the reviewers of a document, due to leave, for example
  • Notes for information for a new document manager.

In the comments panel (on the document management side), an option has been added for document managers to be able to record notes with the document. These notes are created with the document and remain available regardless of the version of the document (as opposed to comments for writers and/or reviewers, which are comments to a specific version of the document).
For example, if you have invited writers, they will only see the comments related to the version they have to write (and therefore not the notes to the document).

It often happens that several people are document administrators. You can therefore also comment on notes so that document administrators can complement each other. In addition, it is possible to delete notes if, for example, they are not applicable after all or have been processed and are no longer relevant.

It may occur in the setup that document administrators are set up at folder level (for the documents in that folder). For each document, in the relevant folder, a document administrator is then associated (who is responsible for that document).

However, all document administrators on the folder may be directly or indirectly involved with the document. And thus should also be able to use the notes to the document.

The rights to see and use the notes are associated with the users who have rights for a folder-level user role where the role has rights for the "Edit Document" section.

Read confirmation display in line with document display

In Zenya, when you go to read confirmation from your task list, you get to see the document for which you need to perform read confirmation. In doing so, you had two options (document read and post comment), but some information was missed, such as:

  • The document details of the document
  • The changes compared to the other version

We have therefore aligned the view of the read confirmation with how it is when you start viewing a document. This makes the options as you are used to when viewing the document also available while performing the read confirmation!

Use quick code now also as document information

We are seeing more and more use of the quick code, but at the same time we are getting feedback about restrictions that are holding back its adoption.

A lot of the feedback we get is about using the document shortcode in other places within Zenya with documents, such as:

  • As a field in the document details while consulting
  • As a column in document management
  • As a field in document reports.

In these places, the quick code has now been made available as a field!

Reason for archiving now also when archiving a document via the control task

In Zenya, it is possible to specify a reason when a document is archived. However, this option was only shown when a published document was deleted from the document management (and therefore archived).

From the task to check a document, if "The document can be archived" is indicated, the option to add a reason was not shown. From now on, the task to check a document will also show the option to be able to specify a reason for archiving. This is optional and does not have to be filled in.

Search in document management

Note: For the implementation of this technique, we are using the capabilities offered by the Azure platform. This means that this new technique for search will only be available to customers hosted in our SaaS environment.

In the Zenya 6.1.3. update the search technique 'semantic search' has been introduced for searching in document management. Note this has only been introduced for searching in document management and thus not for searching the portal, the search technique there remains unchanged.

This new technique for search provides better performance for loading search results and improved relevance of search results. However, it turned out that in a number of situations search results were dropping out unfairly.

If, in document management, one searches on part of a word then no search results are displayed. On the Azure platform, this is not supported by default, but a so-called wildcard must be used for this purpose.

We have expanded the message you get when no results can be displayed to include an explanation of how to use the wildcard. When searching for parts of words, the wildcard character "*" (star) must be added to the search query.

For example:

  • Searching for "doc". Then no results can be shown.
  • Therefore, search for "doc*". This allows searching on the part of the word, so words like "document" or "doctor" can be found.

External user management via SCIM

Now also synchronise the fields organisation unit, function and manager as user information with the SCIM link

The SCIM link was created to manage the synchronisation of users between Azure Active Directory and Zenya. We have our own iSync pairing available for this, but for customers who manage their user management in Azure AD, we offer the option of using the SCIM pairing as it is more compatible with Azure AD by default.

When initially developing this link, we only created the basics, the ability to synchronise users. In several conversations with customers, who are implementing the link, we increasingly hear the desire to be able to synchronise more information about the user along with it.

In response, we have extended the link to include the ability to synchronise the following data with the user from Azure AD as well:

  • Organisation unit - The name of the organisation unit in Azure AD must exactly match the name in Zenya
  • Function - If the function does not already exist, it will be added in Zenya
  • Manager - The manager must be an existing user.

Note: This development does not allow the organisation units tree in Zenya to be automatically populated and updated from Azure AD.

Note: The timing of the update of the SCIM linkage differs from the update of Zenya 6.2.0. The update of the SCIM linkage will take place after the update of Zenya 6.2.0. So the extension of the SCIM coupling will not be available immediately after the Zenya 6.2.0 update. We are currently in the final stages of this development. When it is known when these changes will be available we will communicate this.


Handling an action item for a notification? You can do so in a revamped and improved screen.

If you pick up an action item for a notification as an action taker, you have several options to add information related to the action item. Discussions with customers, among others, revealed that this screen could still improve in terms of usability.

We took another look at the screen and made some changes for this, which make the screen clearer and make handling your action item easier.

Action takers work a lot from their task list, if you go to handle an action item from the branch screen, you will come to a renewed screen from now on. On this screen:

  • All information related to the action item is displayed directly on screen.
  • Additions, such as notes and attachments, that you add are automatically saved, so your progress is always preserved.
  • Have you finished your action item (for now)? Then choose finish, here we ask if you want to finish the action item or save it so you can continue with it later.
  • If action items may be delegated to other action takers, you can also easily do so by choosing the delegate option.
  • The revamped screen is also suitable for mobile, so you can easily and quickly add to an action item you are working on.

NB: This revamped screen is only for the "normal action item". For the "fill in form" and "draw cause tree" actions, the screen remains unchanged and you are redirected directly to the form or the cause tree overview, respectively.


The news panel is no longer displayed if there are no news items for you

The portal in Zenya consists of a number of panels. One of these is the news panel. This panel is now always shown to the user. It does not distinguish whether news items are shown or not.

This makes this panel take up unnecessary space, so that other important or user-specific information is not displayed (fully). As a result, the portal is not displayed optimally for the user.

To achieve a better display of the portal and show information only when it is actually there, we have modified the display of the news panel. The news panel is displayed only if:

  • There are news items to display for you on the portal and/or
  • If you have rights to post news items on the portal. Indeed, in that case, you must have the ability to post a news item.

Performed a search on the portal? From now on, the number of results found will be displayed

Showing the number of search results found should make it easier for the user to determine whether this result is enough to find the desired info, or whether one needs to formulate a new (more specific) search query to get a more concrete result.

From now on, search results on the portal will always show the number of results found. Both when consulting and when searching on the portal.

Risk management

Get more grip and visibility on your risks with some risk management improvements

Customers are increasingly and more aware of risk management within their organisations! We are therefore getting more and more feedback on which points in the risk management module can still be improved to optimise the user experience. We have now implemented some of these improvements.

The dashboard of management measures can now also be exported to Microsoft Excel

The dashboard of risks could already be exported to Microsoft Excel. It is now also possible to export the dashboard for management measures to Microsoft Excel in the same way.

The risk and control measures dashboard may take time to load. We have now added an improved indication that the dashboard is loading

The dashboards for risks and control measures can variably contain a number of charts with a lot of data. As a result, it takes time for the dashboard to load. It was not always clear to users that the screen was still loading, which could cause confusion as to whether the screen is actually still loading or whether something may have gone wrong.

We have now added an improved charging indication:

  • The charging indication remains on screen as long as graphs are still being loaded.
  • Charts that are ready are displayed immediately (the other charts are then still being loaded).

We added on the risk dashboard an option to filter by control measures and vice versa on the control measures dashboard an option to filter by risks

On the risk dashboard, it is now not possible to filter by control measures. Conversely, on the control measures dashboard, it is not possible to filter on risks. However, there are cases where it is desirable to be able to filter on control measures or risks. As of this release, it is possible to filter on control measures or risks on the two dashboards by making risks and control measures available as columns.

  • The risk dashboard allows filtering by control measure. This column contains an option to select multiple management measures, as there may be multiple management measures associated with a risk.
  • In the control measures dashboard, you can filter by risk. This column contains the names of the risks. Again, there is an option to select multiple risks as there may also be multiple risks associated with a control measure.

The management measure now also shows which risks are linked to this management measure

In the details of a management measure, the different elements linked to that management measure such as, documents, reports and questionnaires) were visible. However, the risks to which the management measure is linked could not be seen here.

If you now go to view the details of a control measure, you will find an additional tab ''Risks'' showing the risks to which the control measure is linked. Customers indicated that this is crucial information that was missed from the management measure until now.

Ability to link an existing task schedule to a risk

Currently, it is possible to attach a task schedule to a risk, for example to perform a particular control for a control measure of this risk. However, scenarios are conceivable in which an existing task schedule for a control measure applies to multiple risks.

An example:

A door can be installed to cover two risks, namely theft and draught/cold in the house. To prevent this, doors should always be closed. For this, you have set up a control task schedule that checks whether the door is closed.

If you want to set this up now, there will always be two task schedules, because a task schedule can only be linked to one risk. Effectively, therefore, the same door has to be checked twice for the different risks (with the same control measure). This is illogical and inefficient because with 1 check you have been able to establish the effect for both risks.

We have therefore expanded the option to add task schedules to the risk with the ability to link existing task schedules.

New task schedules can be added, as you are used to. But from now on, you can also link an existing task schedule. For the existing task schedules, however, you can only choose from the task schedules that already exist for the control measure(s) linked to the risk.

Should you mismatch a task schedule or the task schedule does not (no longer) apply to the risk, you can also unlink the task schedule at the risk.

Tasks & Messages

Keep your task and message list clear and tidy!

The tasks and messages screen is often the place from which users will pick up their actions. This place should be easy to use and give overview to the user. Together with you, we exchanged feedback and ideas on how we could improve this. And a number of improvements have come out of this that contribute to keeping the tasks & messages screens easier to use and clearer.

Tasks and messages are marked as read only after interacting with the task or message

On the tasks and messages screen in Zenya, tasks/messages are now automatically marked as read if they have been in view on your screen. This was found to be undesirable behaviour because it gives the user no control over what has or has not been read. After all, ''in view'' does not mean it has been seen.

From now on, tasks and messages are marked as read only if there has been interaction with the task or message. Interaction with a task or message occurs if:

  • The user uses the primary action button
  • The user does a secondary action via the ''three dots''
  • The user via ''read more'' shows the additional information to the task.

Easily edit or delete multiple tasks or messages at once

Common feedback from customers is that it would be desirable to be able to edit multiple tasks and messages simultaneously. Particularly with messages, as it can happen that a user receives many messages but now has to delete them one by one when they are no longer relevant. For example, if, as a document manager, you receive messages of comments made to one or more documents.

We now introduce the ability to edit multiple tasks or messages simultaneously. This makes it easy to tidy up tasks and/or messages, giving the user more overview of what is really important at that moment.

There are a number of actions that can be performed for multiple tasks or messages simultaneously:

  • Deleting multiple posts at once
  • Marking as (no longer) important multiple messages or tasks at once
  • Postponing multiple tasks at once.

More control over which messages are and are not shown in the message list

Previously, tasks and messages were shown interchangeably. By showing the tasks and messages on two different screens, that information has become a lot clearer. For the message screen, we chose to show all messages, informatively, and leave it to the user to decide whether they want to do something with them or not. Just as you see this on other platforms.

This has caused a lot of messages to be displayed on the message screen, including messages you as a user find less relevant. This makes it less clear to quickly see which messages you still want or need to do something with.

To better control the flow of messages, we have made it possible to unsubscribe from your message list for that type of message. This allows users to decide which messages they do want to be shown on the message screen.

Of course, this goes along with the possibility of being able to subscribe to these messages again, should you still want to get them in your message list at a later date. We have made it possible to set whether you want to show a message in your message list in the subscription management in Zenya.

NB: Unsubscribing to messages does not affect what is already in your message list, it only applies to future messages of this type.

What information does the task icon show in Zenya

  • Only a bell shows that there are no tasks and no unread items (tasks & messages)
  • A bell with chip shows that there are no tasks, the chip shows the number of unread messages
  • A ringing bell shows there are open tasks and no unread items (tasks & messages)
  • A ringing bell with chip shows that there are open tasks, the chip shows the number of unread items (tasks & messages).

Subscriptions management included in user menu

In Zenya, subscription management is now part of "My settings" which you can access via the user menu. However, it turned out that this is not optimal for the discoverability of subscription management. We therefore moved the subscription management to the user menu so that it is easy to find and users can manage their subscriptions faster.

The tasks from iQualify are now also part of the task list in Zenya

Several customers had a connection between iQualify and iProva. This connection ensured that tasks from iQualify were also displayed in the task list in iProva. In Zenya, it was found that this connection was not maintained, so iQualify tasks were no longer synchronised to Zenya.

However, the Zenya branch screen is the leading branch screen for many users. To avoid these users having to switch between two different branch screens every time, we have restored this connection.

If you have a connection between iQualify and Zenya, it is again possible to synchronise the tasks with the task list in Zenya!

A user in Zenya may have more tasks than just the iQualify tasks, so they may be out of sight. All iQualify tasks are therefore easy to filter. In your tasks list, in the filter type, use the filter "iQualify tasks" and all tasks related to the iQualify trainings and tests will be shown!


Vilans protocols and background information

Within the Vilans protocols environment, a distinction is made between protocols and background information. From each protocol, it is possible to click through (via the purple block) to the background information.

When searched in Zenya, only Vilans protocols were found. Background information did not appear in the search results and could only be reached (from Zenya) by first opening the protocol.

In response to customer feedback, Vilans has now made a change that allows systems such as Zenya to also search background information (full text).

In Zenya 6.1.2, we have made two improvements to ensure that Vilans background information is presented in a useful way in the Zenya search results and in the "consult" screen:

  • Both protocols and background information can now appear in the list of search results. This is immediately recognisable by the type shown below the title.
  • In addition, as is already possible for protocols, you can refine your (search) results via the left panel by filtering on the background information.
    Not interested in background information right now? Then you can also filter on "My Vilans Protocol". All background information will then be filtered out of the results.

Nothing will change in setting up the link to My Vilans protocols. There it remains possible to determine at topic level which Vilans content will be offered within Zenya. When a certain topic is chosen, this means that both protocols and background information belonging to that topic will be offered in Zenya.

Note: These changes were previously rolled out in the Zenya 6.1.2 patch pack, all customers using Zenya through our SaaS environment already have these changes. These changes are only new for customers updating from Zenya 6.1.1 or lower to Zenya 6.2.0.


Microsoft Visio 2010 end of support

Zenya offers integration with Microsoft Visio, for editing process diagrams. Infoland follows the Microsoft product support lifecycle, which means we provide support for Microsoft applications as long as they are in the mainstream support phase or extended support phase at Microsoft itself. Microsoft has ended the extended support phase for Visio 2010 on 31 October 2020.

We have continued support so far. However, several customers are experiencing problems editing process diagrams in modern versions of Microsoft Visio. To ensure correct operation of modern versions of Microsoft Visio, we have had to break compatibility with Microsoft Visio 2010.

As of Zenya 6.2.0, support for Microsoft Visio 2010 will be discontinued.

Note: For integration with Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook), Infoland also follows the Microsoft product support lifecycle. For this, Microsoft's extended support phase ended on 13 October 2020. With this, Infoland is now also approaching the end of support. Specifically, this means that support for Microsoft Office 2010 will end on 31 December 2021.

Improvements support and editing in Microsoft Visio

Recently, we have been working on improvements to make the support and editing of process diagrams in modern versions of Microsoft Visio more stable. This was due to the problems customers were experiencing and the end of support for Microsoft Visio 2010.

That means that as of this release, it no longer possible is to edit and add process diagrams based on Microsoft Visio 2010. Our customers' primary contacts were informed of this earlier.

Specifically, the above means that from this release, only files from Microsoft Visio version 2013 or newer will be accepted in Zenya. For existing process diagrams from an older version of Microsoft Visio present in your Zenya environment, we have ensured that these documents are automatically converted to the correct file extension (.vsdx) at the time:

  • The document is opened for editing
  • Or if a library name is changed.

In addition to the above, the changes we make in this release have an impact on how process diagrams are currently worked with. Below, we will put the various changes out of a to make the change and its impact clear. With this roadmap we help you determine what the impact, if any, is for your organisation.

Uploading Microsoft Visio files is now only possible for Microsoft Visio files with the file extension .vsdx (Microsoft Visio 2013 and newer). Microsoft Visio files with another (older) extension are no longer accepted in Zenya. This applies to the following forms of uploading possible within Zenya:

  • File upload" when adding a document to a folder.
  • Add a new document using the "Import document in exchange format" (files with the extension .idf). For example, these can be Microsoft Visio files that a fellow organisation has exported from their environment and shared with your organisation.
  • Microsoft Visio files shared with your organisation via a web share.

For process diagrams, it is possible to use templates. Zenya comes with a basic set of templates by default. We have made sure that this basic set of templates can be used after the update. Also, only templates from Microsoft Visio version 2013 or newer are accepted in Zenya (file extension .vstx).

You may have other templates in your environment besides the basic set. The obsolete templates are renamed in Zenya so that it is visible that they are not supported, if you still choose an obsolete template, Zenya will give a notification that this template is not usable. Obsolete templates can be identified as follows:

  • "Template name" (No longer supported)

Before you can use these templates again, they will have to be converted. Is your organisation using outdated templates? Then you can easily update them with the instruction in this topic.

While editing process diagrams in Microsoft Visio, a default stencil is always available with the Infoland Shapes. This basic stencil is updated and can be used after the update. Your organisation may be using a customised stencil. Due to the expiry of compatibility with Microsoft Visio 2010, customised stencils must also be updated to a newer version of Microsoft Visio.

If your organisation has a modification on the stencils (customised stencil), the following applies:

  • Is your Zenya environment on SaaS: Then we make sure the stencils are converted correctly for the update.
  • If your Zenya environment is On Premise: Then, when installing this update, you will receive a warning that obsolete stencils have been found. The update does run in full, however, the consequence is that editing Visio document from within Zenya will no longer work because the stencil is still outdated. So make sure the stencil is updated before installing! Customers using Zenya On Premise have previously received a mailing that also included a instruction includes how to update the stencil, so that afterwards the installation can simply be carried out.

At older versions of Zenya was the not possibly use at make from Visio swimming lanes and function flow charts. In this update have we that well possibly made! 

Zenya general

Zenya in Portuguese

We have several customers who already use Zenya in different countries, obviously the Netherlands and Belgium, but also beyond. Mostly Zenya is used there in English, but occasionally requests do come along to have Zenya available in other languages as well. Besides the request from customers, Infoland also wants to focus more on the international market and wider availability of languages in Zenya is a more often desired development.

We have now taken the first step in this. In collaboration with our customers, we have ensured that Zenya is now available in Portuguese.

This means that in the system settings, Portuguese can now also be selected as an available system language. If this language is available, users can change their language settings to Portuguese.

For now, it will stick to Portuguese, but more languages may follow in the future.

If you want to use this language contact the Service Desk.

Expanded selection of icons for report forms and questionnaires

A standard set of icons is available for questionnaires and report forms. Especially for clients who use many report types and/or questionnaires, we notice that they run into the limits of the available icons. As a result, many duplicate icons are used. This makes it more difficult for users to distinguish between them.

Good news: we have expanded the selection of available icons! For the questionnaires and report forms, we will now use a standard set of icons, Google's material design icons.

For these icons, we have also made it possible to select them in a number of different colours: blue, green, grey, orange, red and the portal colour (this is the default portal colour set in the application manager).

As the available icons have become a lot more extensive than before, we have also made it possible to search the icons.

Default display name for references optimised

By default, when adding references, the text ''Reference to (section)'', such as web page or document, is displayed before the actual subject of the reference.

Feedback showed that that default text is redundant and only the subject is sufficient. This immediately makes adding references easier as there is no need to change the text every time.

To simplify adding references, we have removed the default text and show only the subject of the reference. For example:

  • "document title"
  • "name of report form".

In addition, it remains possible to adjust the text of the reference.

Note: These changes only apply to new references created after the update. For existing reference names, the update does not change them. So if you have changed the names of existing references, they will simply be retained.

For application managers & ICT

System requirements

We would like to remind you once again of the changes to the minimum system requirements for Zenya, which have already been communicated in a recent mailing:

  • Per 31 July 2021 ends support for Microsoft Visio 2010
  • Per 31 December 2021 ends support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) and
    Microsoft Office 2010 (Word/Excel/Outlook)

Check out the current system requirements here:

Zenya SaaS 
Zenya on-premise

Additional information

Additional information for application managers & ICT can be found at my.infoland.co.uk.
After logging in, select My products > Zenya > Download updates, or click on the orange button below to go directly to the appropriate page.

You can find additional release notes containing:

  • indication of the impact of this update (by Zenya component)
  • further explanation of functional changes
  • important information on links between Zenya and other systems
  • overview of bug fixes

And further:

  • pre-update and post-update checklist for application managers
  • download the update (for Zenya on-premise)