Logging out with SSO (Single Sign-on) user is now also possible
Previously, it was not possible to log out in Zenya if one was automatically logged in with a Single Sign-on user.
A setting has now been added under "application management – system settings: site access". Here, it can be specified that instead of the "log in as another user" option, a user will be given a "log out" option. On clicking logout, the user will be logged out of Zenya AND into the identity provider set up in Zenya (e.g. Azure AD).
So the next time a user then starts Zenya on that workstation (or device), the identity provider's login page will be displayed first and the user will not automatically be notified.
New Zenya Office client (due to end of Internet Explorer 11 support)
With the Zenya 6.4 release, we are also releasing a new Zenya Office client*. This new client software for Office integration is future-ready. Thus, within Zenya, we can deal well with the end of "Microsoft Internet Explorer 11" and organisations can fully switch to a modern browser (such as Microsoft Edge).
Hence, we advise all our customers to roll out this new client software.
More information on the Consequences of the end of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 support i.c.w. Zenya
*The new Zenya Office client is compatible with all Zenya 6.0 (and higher) versions.
Permissions on external source now also adjustable via application management
It is possible from Zenya 6.4 onwards to set read permissions for lookup for a number of external sources via the application manager.
This is now also possible for the following lookup fields:
During the Zenya 6.3 update, the read permissions were automatically taken over from the notification permissions set on the notification types (which used these lookup fields).
Limitation of allowed file types Zenya FLOW
As previously announced in the release notes of Zenya 6.3, we are implementing a change in Zenya 6.4 on the allowed file types within the attachment field in Zenya FLOW.
At Infoland, information security and privacy are high on the agenda. You should always be able to trust that your organisation's data - personal data in particular - is safe. This means that we are continuously improving the security of our platform and products. The result of this is the improvement below:
From Zenya version 6.4 onwards, we start by only allowing file types in Zenya that are known to be non-harmful in origin. We start with this in Zenya FLOW with the attachment field. This change ensures that no potentially malicious files (of a no longer allowed file type) can be added. This reduces the chances of potentially unsafe data being uploaded into Zenya FLOW via the form. In later releases, we will implement this restriction in other places in Zenya as well.
We have looked at which file types are most commonly added as attachments and based on that, we have compiled a so-called whitelist of the file types that are accepted. These are the list below:
.avi, .bmp, .csv, .docx, .dotx, .emz, .gif, .heic, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .msg, .odt, .pdf, .png, .ppsx, .pptx, .qps, .rtf, .sldx, .tif, .txt, .vsdx, .wav, .wmw, .xlsx, .xltx, .xml, .zip.
If your organisation is missing certain file types you frequently use in the above list, we ask you to pass this on to our service desk with an explanation of why this file type is still relevant to you.
As of 6.4, however, it is still just possible to add all types of files by using a .zip file, which includes the original file, and then adding the .zip file.
Additional information
Additional information for application managers & ICT is available at my.infoland.co.uk
After logging in, select My environments (scroll down) > Download updates, or click the button below to go directly to the appropriate page. You will find there:
- pre-update and post-update checklist for application managers
- download the update (for Zenya on-premise)