Interactive documents 2.0.9

For interactive documents, standalone updates are performed. These can coincide with a minor or major release for Zenya, but do not have to. This applies to both Zenya on-premises and Zenya SaaS.

We regularly release a minor update for interactive documents. These updates mainly fix bugs. They may also contain minor functional changes. These are improvements that make using interactive documents even easier and can be used without explanation. Larger functional changes are only made available in a major update.

This release contains one functional change and a number of bug fixes.

See for exact date/time for the rollout of this update.

Renewed table of contents

The table of contents shown when viewing a document has been completely revised. It now shows - in addition to headings in texts - the selection buttons and drop-down panels used.

In addition, the table of contents dynamically adapts while navigating through the document. As such, it always reflects the content currently displayed in the document. Suppose that after clicking a selection button, additional text with headings is displayed, these headings will also appear in the table of contents.

With the above development, the second navigation button - the 'choices made' button - has been dropped as it is no longer needed.

The table of contents will henceforth - if sufficient screen width is available - remain in view when opened. The user can manually close it again.

Bug fixes

  • 62371: Printed versions of interactive document with tables were not always displayed in full.
  • 63128: Words disappeared when editing a text block.
  • 63885: Text in tables was sometimes truncated when the document was printed or saved as a PDF.
  • 64037: Part of text disappeared when printing an interactive document.
  • 64580: Printing very large interactive documents sometimes resulted in an error message.
  • 65468: Hyperlinks in hotspots in an interactive document opened multiple tabs.