Zenya 7.1.0

About four times a year, we release a major update for Zenya. In these updates, we introduce new features and make existing functionalities work even easier and better. These updates also ensure that Zenya is technically up-to-date. Curious about what's new in Zenya 7.1.0? You can read it on this page.

The rollout of Zenya 7.1.0 is scheduled for Monday, 30 October 2023 from 7pm. The rollout on the slow ring is scheduled on Monday 27 November 2023 from 7pm.

For the exact date/time for the rollout to Zenya SaaS by ring, check out status.infoland.co.uk.

Zenya version 7.1.0 is only being rolled out to Zenya SaaS, not Zenya on-premises. More information