We regularly release a minor update for iQualify. Minor updates mainly fix bugs. In addition, they may contain minor functional changes. These are improvements that make using iQualify even easier and can be used without explanation. Larger functional changes are made available in a major update.
Release 6.5.0 is a minor release in which a number of new features have been added. Important updates regarding security improvements have been made. Check status.infoland.nl to see when version 6.5.0 will be released.
What's new:
View selection, selected users
Selecting users and seeing the complete list of your selection is now possible in the user overview.
By clicking on the "view selection" button after entering your selection.
Knowledge flash by answer option visible in overview
In the catalogue, you can immediately see whether a knowledge flash per answer option is available for pointer and multiple-choice questions; this is shown by an "i" in front of the answer.
When mouseover on the answer with a knowledge flash or location in a pointer question, a tooltip reveals the knowledge flash.
Both in the catalogue and in the list of questions, a new filter "with knowledge flash per answer" has been added. When using this filter, knowledge flash by answer level can be shown or not.
Clear all filters at once
When selecting questions based on filtering, it was only possible to clear the filter per filter topic. Now you can also clear all filters at once.